CFOG's PIP, May 1989, Volume 8 No. 2, Whole No. 70, page 20


We started downtown meetings because there were complaints from some members that they did not like Sunday meetings. The downtown meetings were designed to give an alternative for those who wanted a central location and a week night meeting rather than a weekend meeting. The first one was a huge success with over 20 people in attendance. Since then attendance has fallen off, and in recent months only a few people have shown up. The May meeting was cancelled because I found something more interesting to do and Jon Shimberg couldn't make the date. The June meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, June 21, because of conflicts.

I'd sincerely like to continue to offer the downtown meetings as an alternative to our Sunday afternoon meetings. I know some members have benefitted from this forum in the past. But our numbers have dwindled considerably, and it's now questionable whether there are enough people interested to make it worth our while. So, for the fall, I will continue to schedule downtown evening meetings. I would like to hear from those who might have an interest in attending what days are best (please be as specific as necessary: don't say Thursdays if what you really mean is the first or third Thursday of the month). I already have several evenings a month blocked off for other meetings. For reasons which ought to be obvious it will not be a Friday evening. I'll try to accomodate as many people as possible in setting a meeting date, but it's fairly clear that the second Thursday of the month hasn't been drawing a lot of folks.

One rule will be established for downtown meetings commencing in the fall. The meeting will not be held unless some folks call up and leave a message that they are definitely coming. A threshhold has not been set, but it won't be very high, but it's going to be more than one! There will be a set time a day or two before the meeting at which there must be enough people who say they are coming, or it will simply be scrubbed. A message will be put on the CFOG answering machine at 726-3569 so that people can check to determine whether the meeting will be held so that those who have called in earlier can check to see if there will be a meeting (those who decide at the last minute that they might want to come can check, too!)